Monday, February 3, 2014

The True Cheer Mom Profile

Wow so this is quite a little adventure my daughter has put me on! What adventure you might be asking? Well that would be being a Cheer Mom.  

So here I am wondering what is a Cheer Mom? Well, “A cheer mom is the mother of a cheerleader who is very involved and supportive of her child's sport.” Simple enough right? 

Well nothing is that simple!

Do you know how many times I have heard the definitions of what others think of "cheer moms?" Let me give you some examples.

  • Cheer Moms are mom's who are living vicariously through their child/children.
  • Cheer Moms were a cheerleader in high school or college.
  • Cheer Moms always wanted to be a cheerleader and never pursued it so now they are "making" their child/children do cheer.
  • Cheer Moms are single minded, overpowering, loud, obnoxious, snotty, ‘clicky’, mean and oh, my favorite…..
  • Crazy with a capital C!  
Now that you have heard what everyone else thinks a Cheer Mom is, let me provide you with my definition.
  • First, the above statements are NOT ONLY FALSE but not how I feel. 
  • Second, a Cheer Mom to me is a parent who is just like any other sports parent. We are the same as your typical "soccer mom", "baseball, football, lacrosse, track.. and so on mom",  a person who helps their child focus, who is supportive, understanding, trusting, and a team player. 
  • Yes we are loud. Yes we can be crazy....but more with a lowercase 'c. 
I know what you are thinking, "Some of these sound like my own personalbeliefs!" Wellgues what? Then it seems like you might be a cheer mom too!

Just remember one last thing. No matter what you are, know I'm proud to be "that mom." The mom who will help their child. The mom who will hug and kiss, listen, then tell them to go back in the gym and never give up.The trust your coaches and teammates mom. The mom that also has to trust in the same people her child has too. 

To me being all this, goes far beyond being labeled Cheer Mom.

CheerLEADER Advocate, #CheerMom

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