Monday, February 3, 2014

How to Handle School, Varsity and All-Star Cheer

School is hard enough as it is, but adding two or more different cheerleading teams is even harder! Here’s three easy ways we handle it.

Always make sure your homework is done first: school should always come before cheer, so we make sure all of our homework is done before our first practice of the day. For us, we have about two hours before Varsity practice to do homework and go to review sessions with our teachers.

Eat healthy and make sure you get enough sleep every night: eating healthy will give you more energy and make it much easier to get through your long days. We always bring fruits and healthy snacks to practices and eat healthy throughout the day. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night will keep you focused and alert so you can give 110% in practice. We try to get to sleep at nine every night so we can be ready for the next day.

Manage your time and don’t overwork yourself: even if that means having to leave your school team’s practice early and going late to all star! Always make sure you have at least 30mins of down time to just relax and unwind from school. Work out a schedule with your coaches that will give you enough practice time without pushing yourself too hard.

With these three things in mind, handling school, all star and varsity cheerleading will become much easier and less stressful! How do you juggle your grades and cheer teams? 

Comment below or tell us on twitter at @Cheer360 !!

Dana and Angie, CLBs

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