Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Can't We Just Eat Healthy?

Whether it is on the magazine stands, on television shows, on the news or on commercials, you are most likely always being bombarded by the next big diet craze.  Even worse, when your friends or family are constantly talking about the latest diet they're participating in trying to lecture you on how great is.  From strict calorie cutting, to cutting out entire food groups to supplements and pills, you never know where the next diet craze will lead you.

The other day I was telling one of my clients about the newest version of the Atkins diet that people seem to be trying out.  By putting themselves on this diet, they are missing out on eating fruits, several higher carbohydrate vegetables, and fiber and B vitamin filled whole grains.  This is incredibly unsafe to the body, especially the athlete, but some have argued that being placed on this structure has helped them eat healthier than ever.  My client than asked me a very interesting question, "Why can't they just eat healthy?"

It seems so simple.  Just eat healthy.  It doesn't imply cutting anything out, just eating foods deemed "bad for you" in moderation and trying to focus on eating foods in their natural state like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy.  It also doesn't imply taking crazy pills like raspberry ketones, because if you are eating a balanced diet, you are providing the body with the nutrients it needs without the need to supplement.

Sadly we live in a culture of convenience.  It is the reason "fast food" has sky-rocketed and it is also the reason we are obsessed with dieting.  People want the "magic bullet."  That special solution that will make them lose weight fast and for good.  Unfortunately most of these trends do not give you the latter.  You may lose weight fast, but the minute you "go off" the diet, the weight goes on.  You also potential tortured yourself for no reason because what was the point of the diet if you put the weight back on?

The moral of the story is don't be fooled.  Most diets are not long-term solution and in fact they can long-term problems with either your metabolism or increased difficulty to lose weight.  Start practicing a healthy lifestyle in which you have balance, moderation and exercise, and you'll have a body and a lifestyle that you can be proud of, without worrying about what you'll have to give up eating on Monday!

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