Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Make Friends, Not Enemies, with Your Food

I was recently giving a presentation to a group of high school cheerleaders.  I had mentioned early on in the presentation that there is no such thing as dieting, and that no food should be “off-limits”.  When it came time to ask the final question, one of the girls raised her hand and asked, almost as if she were sharing a secret, “Can we really eat anything we want?  Like cookies?”  The question struck me as interesting, because it was as if I was giving her permission to do an illegal act by saying, “Yes you can eat cookies if you want to eat cookies.”

I thought quite a bit about this question in the weeks that followed.  I realized that our culture has made food out to be the enemy.  There are certain foods on the “Top Ten Most Wanted List” that we do not want to be “caught” with because it is a reflection of our healthy, or not so healthy habits.  But it is time to give food back its innocence!  There are so many ways any foods, even those previously deemed “criminal” can find a place in a healthy lifestyle.

Try out these tips for fitting in some of your favorites!
·         Moderation: When I was asked about the cookies I told the young lady who asked she could eat them every day if she wanted to.  I cautioned however this does not mean eat the whole box of Oreo's®, or a cookie from the deli that’s the size of your face on a daily basis.  Make serving sizes your friend and you can include anything in your eating plan in moderation.  Sharing always works too so everyone gets to enjoy!
·         Simple swaps: Maybe you love chips and dip, or you can’t resist ice cream.  Use healthy swaps with same taste and texture profile in order to curb your cravings.  For example, use nonfat, plain Greek yogurt in place of sour cream for your favorite dips!  When making mashed potatoes, use half the amount of potatoes and the other half blended cauliflower!  Bake your own oven fries instead of going through the drive-thru!  There are tons of ways to have the foods you want, but optimize their health benefits at the same time.
·         Balance your Indulgences: You can’t always say yes to every food you desire throughout the course of the day.  For example, if you decide to go with the blended coffee drink at breakfast that has a little more sugar than you would normally start your day with, that’s fine!  But maybe later in the evening pass on the ice cream for dessert, and go with yogurt or fruit with a little whip cream to balance out your earlier treat.

There is always a way to have your cake and eat it too…pun intended!  So use your intuition when honoring your indulgences, and balance those decisions with healthy choices as well.  You will find yourself satisfied and unrestricted, while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle!
Want more information for how to make food your friend?  E-mail me at shelbi@cheer-360.com!

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