Monday, August 17, 2015

Try-out Tips!

Try-outs are going to be here before we know it! They are quickly approaching and I want everyone to be as prepared as possible. This is a very stressful time for some kids so I am going to give you a few tips to try and ease the nerves.

1. Attend prep clinic if possible          Make sure that any open gym or clinics that your school has you are at! This shows that you are dedicated and that you really want to be part of the program. This also allows you to meet other people within the program. You will have a feel for how the program is run before you try out. It is also great because the coach will know you before the try out process begins!

2. Throw skills you have mastered
A coach never wants a try out athlete on their team. These are athletes that only throw skills at try outs. When trying out make sure you are only doing skills that you have mastered and can maintain through out the season. You also don’t want to get hurt before even making a team. When throwing a skill that you haven’t mastered yet you increase your chance of injury. If you have never tried a standing tuck before, try outs is not the best time to just go for it.

3. Look the part

No coach wants you to show up to try outs looking like you just rolled out of bed or you are coming back from the beach. You don’t need to look like you are going to prom though either. What you picture an All-American cheerleader to look like is probably how you should appear at try outs. A very clean look with natural make up, hair pulled back with a bow and an appropriate outfit. Putting on some red lipstick won’t hurt either :)

4. Have fun 

When you have fun doing something it shows on your face and makes it much more enjoyable for you and a coach to watch. Most teams that win national championships say that the performance that they won with was the most fun they every had. When ever a team has their best performance it tends to be when they have the most fun. The same will occur when trying out. If you have fun and do your best then there is nothing else you can do and it is up to the coaches if you want the team.

5. Be confident
It is a lot easier said then done I know, but the most important thing is to not be nervous and to be confident. You will be throwing skills that you have mastered so you shouldn’t be nervous about that. Right after learning the dance and cheer, make sure you practice it a lot! Memorize it and then practice, it will become muscle memory. Confidence shows in every step you take. Be so confident that you rub off onto others.

Remember you do cheerleading because it’s fun and you love it. Show the coach why you belong on the team and have fun! Smile big! I wish everyone the best of luck! If you have any questions or want more tips just ask! 

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