Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Cleaning—Not Just for Your Closet!

With the nice weather finally upon us, the time has come to switch out the sweaters and furry boots for sleeveless and sandals!  But spring cleaning doesn’t have to be limited to your wardrobe, it is a great time to take a look at your eating habits and see where you can do some tidying up!
Between holidays, New Year’s resolutions that never quite materialize, or the notion of, “I am eating to stay warm!-- it is not unlikely you put on a little extra weight in the winter months.  The foods tend to be heavier such as thick soups and stews, and since several fruit and vegetable favorites are out of season, you might find yourself slacking on eating your five-a-day.  But now that spring has sprung, it is a great time to reevaluate how you have been eating, and make some healthy changes as you move forward into the warmer months.
Similar to a cleaning “to-do” list you might make, create a list of healthy habits you would like to work on building, or maybe some unhealthy ones you developed that you would like to get rid of.  The important thing to remember is to tackle only one problem at a time.  Trying to change too many behaviors too fast can result in poorer results due to getting overwhelmed, and reveling in smaller successes is more likely to breed greater success in the long run.
Here are some suggestions for things you might want to work on:
·         Spring is a great time for produce!  Try to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption little by little every day by looking up what is in season and incorporating it into your eating.
·         Hot beverages dominate the winter, and too many hot chocolates or coffee drinks may have hindered your water consumption.  Add frozen berries, sliced cucumbers or citrus fruits, or even a splash of 100% fruit juice to water or seltzer for a cool, refreshing drink, and up that water intake to 8 cups a day!
·         Perhaps you found yourself eating out too much during the winter months.  Restaurants can have a lot of hidden calories, fat, and salt in their meals, so make an effort to decrease the number of times you purchase lunch out, or go out for dinner.
·         It is easy to go overboard with night time eating in the winter between the cold temperatures outside and dark falling so early.  Now that the sun is out longer, take a walk instead of a snack in the evening hours so you are replacing something unhealthy with a something good for you!
Remember to tackle one change at a time, and to enjoy every success.  No matter how small the accomplishment, healthy changes little by little can lead to an overall healthier life!
If there is a behavior you picked up this winter and would like suggestions on how to alter it, email me at shelbi@cheer-360.com for help!

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