Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Choosing Carbs for Peak Performance

Over the past couple of decades carbohydrates haven't had a great reputation.  One diet after another has come out banishing carbohydrates from the diet almost entirely or in very small quantities.  Yet despite the growing "carbs are the enemy" movement, Americans still saw rising obesity rates.

The truth is, in order to have healthy, balanced eating, you need carbohydrates.  They are the preferred source of energy for your brain, and by eliminating them, you are asking your body to rely on making other sources of fuel that can eventually put your body in harms way.  Now that does not mean you should go eat a bagel, follow it with a bread bowl at lunch and pasta for dinner, but knowing how to use carbohydrates to your advantage will not only keep you satisfied, it will allow you to perform at a higher level than you would from avoiding carbs.

Carbohydrates should make up 45-65% of your overall diet.  If you are an athlete actively training or your sport is in season, you should be on the upper end of that range.  The real secret about making carbohydrates a part of a healthy eating plan is knowing which ones will give you the most "bang for your buck."

Here are a few tips for choosing the right carbohydrates for your diet:
                Choose Whole Grains: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has stated that Americans should aim to eat three servings of whole grains a day.  These powerful products contain fiber, protein and B vitamins that you may not find in refined carbohydrates like white rice, semolina pasta, and most dessert products.  So try and make the majority of carbohydrates you consume a part of the whole grain family.
                Investigate Labels: Sometimes products that seem healthy are actually not.  For example, "multigrain" products often still have "Enriched flour" as their first ingredient.  This means they are just as unhealty as their white carb counterpart.  Make sure whole grain or wheat flour is the first ingredient so you know you are getting a non-refined product.
                Fruits and Vegetables: One of the biggest problems with low to no carbohydrate diets when they first came out was they decreased the importance of fruits and vegetables because they are carbohydrates.  These are the last foods you want to cut out because they pack the most health benefits with usually the least amount of calories per serving. So aim for 3 to 5 a day for tons of disease fighting vitamins and nutrients!
                Start Your Day the Carbohydrate Way: Consuming a breakfast that is mostly carbohydrates will set you up for success throughout the day.  When we wake up in the morning, we have not eaten since the night before.  Our carbohydrate stores are depleted and our brain needs fuel to start functioning.  Choosing oatmeal, whole grain cereals, or whole grain toast or waffles will start you off with quality carbohydrates, giving you the best start to your day.
The way carbohydrates help you at breakfast is the same way they help you as an athlete.  Carbohydrates are the best fuel to have at your disposal before performing an athletic activity that is longer than an hour, or very intense, so make sure you are having quality carbohydrates two to three hours before your workout, practice or game.  

Carbohydrates aren't the enemy, rather they are your friend!  So show them a little love from now on and see your performance improve!

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