Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Dream Becomes a Reality: The CHEER 360 Story

On March 1st, with a newly furnished key (a zebra printed one for the record), CHEER 360 opened the doors to more than just a 2,200 square foot training facility. CHEER 360 opened the doors to a future of endless and limitless possibilities.

For the preceding 8 months that led up to March 1st, CHEER 360 was just a dream. At a beach gathering among family and friends, the eventual founders of CHEER 360 were having an in depth conversation regarding what their passions were and what they most desired. Kristen Perri and Shari Tarburton, lifelong cheerleaders and current varsity coaches, with big smiles and excitement, spoke at great length how they would love to work with young athletes by providing them with a strong foundation of strength, mental and nutritional coaching. Three key elements that are needed to not only be a successful cheerleader, but to live a well-balanced, healthy and successful life. 

This idea quickly gathered momentum as research was gathered, support was well received and the energy never lost. Co-Founders, Kristen and Shari working with their respective husbands Artie (a business development specialist) and Kent (a certified personal trainer and one time cheerleader himself) found that no such program existed for Cheerleaders on Long Island--nor throughout the entire country. 

Knowing no such program existed, Kristen and Shari suddenly felt more empowered than ever to create a program that addresses the true needs of cheerleaders. When accounting for sports related injuries, including concussions, Cheerleading ranks among the highest. Not only is this population prone to sport related injuries, but additionally, the demographics of the sport are of high risk to having eating disorders. Combining these issues with the social pressures of being a young athlete, it was clear, that a solution is needed to meet the demands of these pressing issues.

CHEER 360 is no longer just a dream, it is a reality. With teams already signing up to participate in the sport's only strength, mental and nutritional coaching program, CHEER 360 recognizes the vital role it plays in shaping the lives of the athletes but the future of the sport of Cheerleading as well.

Since the zebra printed key opened the door to the facility, paperwork has been signed, specialized programming has been planned and equipment ordered and assembled. Much time has been spent preparing CHEER 360 to meet the demands and needs of its athletes. More so, a lifetime has passed as its founders have long been ready to share their dream with the world.

CHEER 360 is officially ready to continue this exciting journey with each and every one of you. Stay tuned and follow the CHEER 360 blog as it will regularly be updated with content specific to health and wellness, proper nutrition, strength and conditioning training tips and mental exercises. 

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